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Cata Starter Pack
This Pack include the following 4 grinding leveling profiles for a good Start in Cataclysm + Hyjal 80-84 + Deepholm 83-85 + Uldum 83-85 + Twilight Highlands 84-85 All profiles include + Endless Grindingroute + Vendor (triggered with 6 or lower empty bagslots) ...straight out of hell ;)
Skinning Bundle (Era-Wrath)
This Profile contains heaps of Skinning Zones for both factions. This Bundle also includes 1-450 Skinning for both Factions (Available in the Ultimate Bundle)
Gathering Bundle (Era-Wrath)
This Profile contains heaps of gathering profiles for Wrath of the Lich King and Classic Era. All profiles are defaulted to mining however you can add herbing to the profiles your self by double clicking and enabling. This Profile also has a fully afk 1-450 Mining for both factions (This profile is in the Ultimate Bundle)
Omaljins SOD Underrated Gold Farms (Horde edition) (JACKBOT)
This profile covers Jackbot-worthy gold farms for SOD. If you encounter any issues with the profiles, feel free to ask Omaljin on Discord. These gold farms are based on my 3 years of botting experience. Please make sure to read the in-game descriptions for each profile. I ll add more options to this profile soon. -Raw Gold Farms -High reward Farms(Black Lotus etc.) -Fish pool Farms( stonescale eel etc.) -Underrated Farms ( Suprise inside) -Least known Farms( which is good for botting less bans) -Even it says Horde nearly half of the Farms can done and usable by Alliance
1-60 PowerLeveling Pack / both factions
This Pack includes the following exclusive profiles: - Durotar 01-30 Grinding - Elwynn Forest 01-30 Grinding - Kul Tiras 10-50 Grinding - Zandalar 20-50 Grinding - Shadowlands Bastion 50-60 Grinding - Shadowlands Bastion 50-60 Grinding Alternativroute All profiles includes Vendor-, Mail- & Ghostroutes. ...straight out of hell!
Herbalism Farming Howling Fjord ( Classic Era , WOTLK )
This profile contains a farming profile for Wrath of the Lich King in the Howling Fjord. You can farm Gold Clover and Tiger Lily here. All positions of each flower have been added. You absolutely need to fly. Everything runs automatically as soon as you start the profile. Please do not make any changes to the yards, otherwise the profile may no longer work properly. There is a mailbox for the Alliance and the Horde. Please remember to change the recipient.
Cataclysm Gathering (All Zones)
This Profile contains 52+ Gathering Profiles covering everyzone in Azeroth - Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms (All new Flying Zones) - The Burning Crusade - Wrath of the Lich King - Cataclysm All zones can be farmed by any faction. Mailbox triggers are designated by (A) or (H) Get ready to farm Cataclysm Zones day one! New profiles will be added when required Need help or need to report a bug! Contact Avo1337 on Discord Happy Farming :)
The War Within Ultimate Bundle
Dragon Riding Not Supported This Bundle is your one-stop shop for Retail World of Warcraft! The Ultimate Bundle will continue receiving updates as the expansion continues. The Pack contains Gathering in all new Zones and lots of old ones! Skinning, Fishing Pools, and some Dungeon content with more to be added over the coming days and weeks.
Dungeon Bundle (Era-Wrath)
This Profile contains a bunch of raw gold making profiles that are best with a Paladin The Bundle includes a Paladin Rotation Dungeons include -Botanica -Dire Maul (All Wings) -Heroic AC -Mana Tombs -Scholomance -Sethekk Halls -Stratholme (Live-Undead) -Blood Furnace -Ramparts (This Profile is in the Ultimate Bundle)
Jack 1-60 Classic Fresh - SoD - SoM Alliance from Omaljin
Reach Level 60 Fast with Omaljin’s SoD 1-60 Grind (Alliance Edition)! Playing as a Night Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Gnome in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery? With Jack, leveling from 1 to 60 has never been easier! Omaljin’s SoD 1-60 Grind (Alliance Edition) is here to take your Alliance character to the top. ⚔️ Defeat Tough Enemies: The bot efficiently hunts down enemies, giving you a speed boost. 🤖 Natural Movement: Jack’s advanced algorithm makes your character move like a regular player. 🛡️ Alliance Support: Whether you"re playing a Night Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Gnome—Jack helps all Alliance characters reach level 60 quickly! Don’t fall behind in the race! Download Jack now and level up your Alliance hero to the top.