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Jack HARDCORE Anniversary 1-60 (Horde Edition) (Please read description)
README: Horde Hardcore Leveling Profile (Orc & Troll) Hello! This profile is designed for the Horde side in Hardcore mode, specifically tailored for Orc and Troll races. It enables automatic leveling from level 1 to 60. However, there are some limitations and important points you need to pay attention to: No Trainer Visits: The profile does not automatically visit trainers to train your character"s abilities. No Talent Allocation: Talent points are not assigned automatically. Provision Food and Drink: To minimize the risk of death, ensure your character has enough food and drink. Add these items to the global vendor whitelist to prevent the bot from selling them automatically. Regular Manual Updates: Every 4 levels, take the following actions: Visit a trainer to train your character. Assign talent points. Adjust and optimize your DPS rotation. Stock up on food and drink. Equip your character with better items, armor, and weapons to reduce the risk of death. No Death Guarantee: This profile does not guarantee reaching level 60 without dying. By using this profile, you accept this risk. Hardcore Leveling Caution: Hardcore leveling is a unique challenge in the WoW world. Regularly monitoring and managing your character increases your chances of success. Elite Mobs and Rare Threats: Be cautious of random elite or rare mobs, especially in higher-level zones (e.g., the hyena packs roaming in Desolace). For any questions, feel free to contact Omaljin on Discord. Good luck! Note: Tauren character support will be added in future updates.
Mining Farming Sholazar Basin ( Classic Era , WOTLK )
This profile contains a farming profile for Wrath of the Lich King in the Sholazar Basin. You can farm Saronite and Titan here. All positions of each ore have been added. Everything runs automatically as soon as you start the profile. Please do not make any changes to the yards, otherwise the profile may no longer work properly. There is a mailbox in the neutral camp in the west. Please remember to change the recipient. Requirements : Cold Weather Fly Farmed for one hour : 30 crystallized water 30 crystallized fire 30 crystallized air 80 crystallized earth 16 Stacks of saronite ore 2 Stacks of titanium ore ** Tip ** 1 stack of saronite ingots from the merchant 25 gold
Underrated SoD Gold Farms (Alliance Edition)(Jack)
Unlock Hidden Gold Secrets in Season of Discovery! Are you ready to farm gold like never before? Introducing Underrated SoD Gold Farms (Alliance Edition)—your ultimate guide to mastering gold farming in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery! Whether you’re playing as a Night Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Gnome, this powerful bot will help you grind gold efficiently, using proven methods that the pros keep secret. ✅ Optimize your gold farming across the Alliance zones ✅ Exclusive routes and techniques tailored for SoD ✅ Compatible with all Alliance races: Night Elf, Human, Dwarf, and Gnome ✅ Maximize your profits without the endless grind Stop wasting time and start stacking gold. Whether you"re gearing up for raids or just want to have some fun in the auction house, this bot will get you there faster. Get Underrated SoD Gold Farms now! Dominate World of Warcraft and watch your gold stockpile grow. Don’t miss out!
Classic Ultimate
**Note Before Purchase the folder will be called "Wotlk Ultimate" This still works for Classic Era and Anniversary Realms if I change the name it will break the connections. Introducing the Ultimate Pack: This pack will contain everything you will need in your Profession journey throught the WoW Classic Anniversary from Classic through to even Wrath of the Lich King if they decide to go that far. - **Over 100 Expertly Crafted Profiles**: Level up your mining, skinning, herbing, fishing, and pick pocketing skills effortlessly. - **Optimized Zones**: Explore specialized zones for mining, skinning, and herbing, maximizing your efficiency at every level. - **Prime Fishing Locations**: Discover the best spots to reel in the rewards as you level up your fishing skill. - **Regular Updates**: Stay ahead of the game with new content seamlessly integrated into the New Folder. Unlock the full potential of the Ultimate Pack – your ultimate companion for success in Azeroth.
Jack Classic Fresh-SoD-SoM 1-60 Leveling (Horde Edition) by Omaljin
Want to Hit Level 60 FAST in World of Warcraft Classic Era SoD? Here"s How! Struggling to level up your Orc, Tauren, Troll, or Undead character? Say goodbye to endless grinding! Our 1-60 Powerlevel Grind Profile will have you smashing through levels like never before! Don’t waste time—unlock the secrets to blazing-fast leveling and dominate Azeroth. This profile is your ultimate shortcut to hitting max level. Download now and become unstoppable!
Professions Bundle Classic (24 Profiles)
This Bundle includes the following 24 professionprofiles for all classes: - Skinning & Herbalism The Barrens - Skinning & Herbalism Arathi Highlands - Skinning & Herbalism Dun Morogh - Skinning & Herbalism Durotar - Skinning & Herbalism Elwyn Forest - Skinning & Herbalism Felwood - Skinning & Herbalism Hillsbrad Foothills - Skinning & Herbalism Mulgore - Skinning & Herbalism Redridge Mountains - Skinning & Herbalism Teldrassil - Skinning & Herbalism The Hinterland - Skinning & Herbalism Tirisfal Glades - Mining Badlands - Mining Darkshore - Mining Dun Morogh - Mining Durotar - Mining Duskwood - Mining Elwyn Forest - Mining Mulgore - Mining Redridge Mountains - Mining The Barrens - Mining Thousand Needles - Mining Tirisfal Glades - Mining Un Goro Crater All profiles includes Vendor- and Mailroutes!!! ...straight out of hell ;)
Cataclysm Ultimate
HORDE 1-85 GRIND BETA NOW LIVE! The Catclysm Ultimate Pack contains everything you need for Cataclysm Classic - Level Professions from 1-500 with Gathering in everyzone - Level and Farm Fishing Achievements with Fishing from 1-500 and gold making profiles - Skinning in Cataclysm Zones and Old World farms - Farm your Honor with Battlegrounds - Farm Volatiles and Embersilk Cloth - Raw gold farms with Hyper spawns and high density mobs - Farm gold and old transmorg with Dungeons More will be added to the Cataclysm Ultimate Bundle as the exspansion progresses
1 - 80 Power Leveling Pack for both factions / All Startingareas included
- Leveling from 1 to 80. With this connected Profile you can do this very fast! - This profile includes all areas you need to level up your horde or alliance char! - Start in the Startingareas of Undead, Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, Human, Nightelf, Dwarf or Gnome! - You"ve reach the next level? No problem, this profile run to the next area to grind your char! - All Areas are connected with Fly-, Ship- and Mountroutes! ...straight out of hell ;)
The Battle Ground Bundle (Era and Cataclysm)
This Profile contains all the Battlegrounds for Classic and Classic Era Instructions are located in the profile. Any updates to Battlegrounds will be upated with the Profile All Battegrounds have been completley rebuilt and are now more offensive
Retail Transmogrification Gold Farms (Some of them for Horde only)
Hello, This profile primarily focuses on Horde for Retail WoW and includes various open area and dungeon profiles within the Transmogrification package. Some of the profiles feature a mailing option, while others do not. The recommended class for this profile is Druid. Many of these profiles can also be used on the Alliance side. This profile allows you to farm simple transmog items and some essential trade goods, enabling you to generate gold through them. Good luck!